Saturday, August 18, 2012

Last Day

Today was a bit of a fiasco...what I thought would be a 20 minute upgrade of my phone at the mall turned into a multiple hour ordeal. Transferring the files and whatnot from my old phone to the new phone took so long that they brought chairs out to me and my mom and sat them in front their televisions and then told us we should take lunch break at the food court. I ended up leaving my phone at the mall while it did its transferring magic while I visited with family members for one last time before I go off to LA early tomorrow morning.

Needless to say it has been a pretty nonstop day, though I was able to get a lot of visiting in. I also didn't have my camera or my phone camera for that matter for the majority of my day. I contemplated drawing what I experienced today but I haven't packed yet and I leave for the airport in less than 5 hours and I am supposed to get sleep in there somehow. So you can use your imagination when it comes to countless hours at the mall and its food court, eating amazing food at O'Neill's, and hanging out with my dad and going to the movies. What you do not have to imagine is my time spent with my neice, brother and sister-in-law.

(Autumn took the following photos with my camera, I edited them and put them together.

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