Friday, August 24, 2012

Arizona #3

Today I was on campus promoting the evening service by handing out Otter Pops and flyers. I ate the most amazing fish taco at a local Mexican restaurant with the gang.

Taken with my phone...not the best picture but it gives you an idea of what it looked like.

We had an outstanding service this evening and followed that up with hangout time in this little square called the University Park. Since I didn't really get a lot of pictures of the promoting and Mexican food eating, I made sure I got some shots of the park at the end. Though most of them were a little too shaky (its dark and I used my knee as a tripod) to share.

Tonight was a cooler yet humid evening, which was quite the break from the past couple days where the temperature has been in the triple digits. There was a small fountain in the center and restaurants surrounding on all sides. One of the restaurants is a Mediterranean restaurant and were playing Arabic pop music, which is my personal fave. 

Today was a good day and tonight was a good night. 

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