Monday, June 7, 2010

Reunited and it feels so good

8 days from now I will be on my way to Fond Doux, Haiti yet again. The anticipation and excitement is climbing and I am definitely stoked! I will soon be reunited with my Haitian babies and can't wait for the hugs, games and services!

This weekend has been a packed one.

Thursday I spent the evening with our twentysomethings at the park, playing disc golf, playing with Magazine (also known as Maggie) and hiking around the lake.

Friday was First Friday so we walked around the Crossroads Art District.

I love the jazz music they play outside of Birdies. They play a sax, an organ and drums.

Saturday morning was City Market again, then Jordan's gorgeous wedding and then I spent the remainder of the evening with Jori (in person due to the fact that she was in town)!

Sunday morning I spoke to my church congregation to cast my vision for my future ministry in LA. Later that night my little sister was crowned an honor Friend through the Mpact Girl's ministry which is a big deal and I am very proud of her.

Today I was an adult. I went to the DMV waited for 10 million years and finally had my car tagged, titled and registered. Then I went to have my hair trimmed but it doesn't really look that great and was a bit of a disappointment.

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