Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankful x2: Veterans & Pepero

It goes without saying, that I am utterly thankful for everyone who has or is putting their lives on the line for the safety, freedom and well being of this country and everyone in it. I am so proud of my family and friends who have given years of their lives in service of this magnificent country. So a great big THANK YOU (yes, I am yelling that) to all you vets out there. This is a fantastic country and it wouldn't be the place that it is without you. I am thankful for vets on other days that aren't Veteran's Day, but it seems rather timely to mention it now.

As I previously mentioned... I will double up on random days to make up for lost time in my thankfulness.

Today is not only Veteran's Day, but it is also Pepero Day in Korea and other parts of Asia. I heard about such a day from several Korean and Chinese visiting scholars in Conversation Circle. Pepero day is like Valentine's Day but for single people. Its on 11/11 each year...get it? one one one day. See what they did there? They call it Pepero Day because the Pepero treats, pretzel-like sticks dipped in chocolate also look like the number one or are singular sticks that you eat. I am thankful for other cultures and the fun perspectives they offer.

Happy Veteran's/ Pepero Day!

One would think it would be very easy for me to find Pepero sticks since I live in Ktown, but I ended up grabbing Pocky Sticks at Daiso Japan to celebrate singles day. 


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