Sunday, March 24, 2013

RIP Piccolo's

My obituary for Piccolo's:

Piccolo's, friendly local $1 bookstore and refuge for all local bibliophiles, sadly *passed away on the evening of Sunday, March 24th due to complications of poor location and losing book-buying-customers. He was only a few years old. Unassuming, giving, and a true friend who was generous to all those who came to him in need. His sudden passing was a shock to all (all those who didn't see the closing signs for months beforehand that is). He leaves behind many loved ones and devoted followers, and worst of all me. The untimely death of  Piccolo's makes him the latest victim of an ever growing trend of senseless bookstore deaths. First it was our beloved Borders, followed by the ever-popular and friendly local Barnes and Noble, and now our sweet and unpresuming friend, Piccolos. He will truly be missed by all. Rest In Peace. u_u

I'm now going to gather some candles, a teddy bear, and make a floral wreath as a vigil outside.

*It is actually moving to Lake Forest in Orange County, which might as well be death to me since I never go there.

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