I haven't made a food post for some time now. So I thought I would share just one of my recent creations. I decided to break-in my hand mixer this weekend. Usually I bake in the traditional manual style but when I moved to LA my mom bought me a lovely hand mixer. Once I plugged it in it felt like a power tool. Which makes me think of one of those SAT questions... hand mixers are to a Rachelle like a power tool is to a handy man (I was going to say to a man, but that would be presumptuous that all men like power tools, but then I worried that it would seem like I was putting myself at the same level of a handy man which I clearly am not. So do what you will with that comparison.) Anyways, I made a chocolate bundt cake with a macaroon filling from scratch. It wasn't the
best dessert I have ever made but it wasn't too shabby either. Can I just say that whipping egg whites into firm peaks is a million times easier and enjoyable with a hand mixer.

I can be quite the messy baker, but it is promptly cleaned...I promise.

I may or may not have eaten 1/3 of the batter by the time it was all said and done.

(If you want the recipe for this, just comment and I will get that to you.) I also made lemon bars and banana-peanut-butter bread this last week. I have been in a carb, butter and sugar overload!
PS I am temporarily obsessed with Adele's new album, 21.
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